Sunday, April 10, 2011

One year.

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my Grandpa passing away. Tomorrow marks one whole year since I got to see his face, hear his laugh, feel his hug. And one whole year since I knew I'd never get to experience any of those things again in this life. I can't believe it's been a whole year already. In some ways, it seems soooo long, it seems like I've been missing him forever. And in some, it seems like it was just yesterday.

We spent the day today at my Grandma's house with my dad's family, to celebrate my Grandpa's life and just be there for each other.

The day was bittersweet - full of all the things my Grandpa loved - uncles and cousins reenacted some of my Grandpa's favorite "magic" tricks (classics such as the disappearing-leg trick, the pulling your thumb off trick, throwing your finger, etc), story telling, pretzel-eating, Jack and the Twoderful Beans read by my uncle, singing favorites such as "I'm My Own Grandpa", "Fio, Fio, Fiola", "And the smoke goes up the chimney just the same", and "Take me out to the ballgame"; listening to Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First", Mexican sundaes, but mostly it was about family, and sharing memories, pictures, hugs, and of course laughs.

I was thinking on the drive home - my Grandpa was one of the most full-of-life people I knew, and to have him gone is just such a big impact. It just seems wrong that someone so full of life should be robbed of life. But, I know he wasn't robbed of life. He had 73 years, and he made the most of them. He touched the life of everyone he met in some way or another, and brought life and laughter and love to so many people, and all I can say is that I am so honored to be his granddaughter, and he'll live on forever in my heart, though I'll miss him so much in the years and days to come.


Amy Irene said...

*Big hug* This is a beautiful post Janza!! Love you!

Enchanted said...

Thanks deary!! *hugs* Love you too!!