Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the day that the LORD has made

So, everybody knows the verse, "This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Right? You could probably even sing it. ;)

Lately, I've been thinking. When people have a really bad day, where things just aren't going right, they can typically be heard to exclaim or say something like, "man, this is just so not MY day!!" I was thinking that once, and then I had to stop and ponder for a moment.

I couldn't think of any instances in the Bible where God promises that we get "our day", or a day that will have everything go good for us. On the contrary, He tells us that this is the day He has made, it's HIS day. And we will rejoice and be glad in it. I kind of have a feeling that the "we will rejoice" is not necessarily so much a feeling or an emotion (though it definitely could be) as a conscious choice here. We have a choice to rejoice and be glad, or to complain and be miserable. Some days, it's certainly easier to be happy and rejoice than others, but I'm pretty sure God created every single day. (strike that, I'm POSITIVE He did.) So, every day, miserable or not, is "the day that the Lord has made", therefore, we should "rejoice and be glad in it."

So, rather than complain that it's not OUR day, why don't we thank God for blessing us with another of His days.

I know I will still complain some times (okay, MANY times), but, this was just something I was pondering over, and felt like sharing.

(and not that I think when people say that this is "so not my day" that it's a bad thing, or irreverent in any way or anything. I say it all the time, it just made me think is all.) :)


Amy Irene said...

Amen! Such a good thought!! Thanks for sharing that! I was thinking the same thing the other day when I kept wanting to say, "This is not my week" and when God would be like, "Um, no, you're right it's not - it's MINE!" :OD