Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I love little kids. I think they're one of God's greatest creations. (although, I do say that about a lot of things....since God's a pretty awesome Creator). I love the way they think, the way they process, the things they say, the way they're not afraid to try new things. I love the way they hug, wrapping their little arms around you, and smiling like you hung the stars. I love their smile, the way their whole little baby face lights up when they're happy. I love their tender little hearts, and their simple faith, and how they trust people. I love how life is just so fun to them, and they're constantly learning and exploring, and enjoying every minute of it. Everything's an adventure to them, anytime a grownup or a big kid shows interest in them, it can mean the world to them.

I'm really blessed for all the opportunities that I have to spend time with little kids. ♥ Babysitting them, helping out in the nursery, loving on them, playing with them, it all just brings such joy to my heart. I can't wait to start teaching Sunday School (well, assistant teaching) and Explorers (which is kind of like a Children's Church sort of thing our church does). And someday, soon hopefully, I want a job where everyday, I wake up happy to go to work, and I get to work with little kids all day. Not that they're not frustrating, stubborn, hard to deal with sometimes, since they definitely are. Not that working with little kids isn't challenging in many ways, since it is. But it's also sooo worth it!

And one day, I really, really want my own children, and lots of them!


Amy Irene said...

What a beautiful post!!!! <3 I totally agree!! :OD

(Oooh! I've ALWAYS wanted to teach Sunday school!!! I'm jealous!! ;-) Happy for you!!! <3).