Sunday, December 26, 2010


It's snowing! Loads of beautiful, fluffy snow! ♥ Yay! :D We have a few inches now, but my brother says we're supposed to get at least 10 more overnight! O_o My dad very nicely offered to get up and drive me to work at 6 am tomorrow. Since there is no way I am driving to work in the middle of a blizzard. :P

Soo, yes, lovely snow. A day late for a White Christmas, but at least this way we had safe travels yesterday. :)

My Christmas was lovely, for the most part! ;) Christmas Eve most of us went to our church's Christmas Eve service, which was very nice. Singing carols, hearing a nice message, and visiting with church friends was a nice way to start off Christmas festivities. After the service, we were up kind of late...made some food for the next day, and watched another one of our old Christmas movies that we always watch, "Christmas in Connecticut". Lots of fun! ♥

Then Christmas!! My sister woke me up around 6:30am. We stayed in bed chatting for 15 minutes (well, she did most of the chatting...I did most of the keeping-my-eyes-closed-pretending-it-wasn't-morning-yet ;)), then we went out and plugged in the tree lights, and looked at all the gifts under the tree, and brought ours out. We managed to get the rest of the family up by 7:30ish, and started opening gifts at 8. :)
I got a GPS for my car (guess my parent's got tired of having to draw me a million maps for every little place I went too :P), new Taylor Swift cd, some pretty notebooks, some Reese's (my family knows me sooo well!), and a few other little odds and ends. Our family also got a Wii! I've been holding out on playing the Wii (my family's played at friends houses, etc, but I never had). But now that we own one, I broke down and played some Wii bowling. And decided that we never have to go real bowling again, since I stink at real bowling, but I did really well on the Wii. :P

Anyways, we also went to my Uncle's house in MA for Christmas, around 2:30. It was a really long day, and I had a bit of a headache for some of it (I was tired, plus his house seemed a bit smaller than my Aunt's, where we've had Christmas the past few years, and it felt a little crowded :P). But other than that, it was really fun! I love my dad's family, it's always fun to catch up with them, or just watch them all laugh and talk and joke together. :)

We ended up getting home around midnight though, so it was a long day. Today has been a restful day in the morning, some Wii and a nap in the afternoon, and we all went out sledding tonight! It was fun!

I hope everyone's Christmas was full of fun, family, food, love, and of course, Jesus! ♥