Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Maine is...

....being with crazy family members that you can't help but love

...staying up till 1 am playing silly games like Whoonu, or Uno

....laughing harder than you've laughed all summer

....seeing who can eat a donut off a string (with no hands) fastest.

....having nothing to do but sit by the lake all day

...swimming whenever you want

....going for peaceful canoe rides

....kayaking around the lake

...trying new things (such as kayaking through a culvert covered in spiders)

...more ice cream flavors than you could possibly count

...sitting in a boat on the lake, surrounded by family, watching beautiful fireworks

...the feeling of wind whipping through your hair as you sail across the lake in a speed boat

...hula hooping contests with little cousins

...a delicious breakfast of french toast, bacon, and fruit on Sunday mornings

...waking up to the sun dancing around your room

...watching loons swim around the lake, and great blue herons fly overhead

....toasting s'mores around a big bonfire

...playing double, triple, or quadruple solitaire

...being competitive, but having fun even if you don't win the game

Maine is...

....the epitome of summer of my favorite places on earth.

Maine is... L.O.V.E. <3

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Almighty God,
I am loved with everlasting love, clothed in eternal righteousness, my peace flowing like a river, my comforts many and large, my joy and triumph unutterable, my soul lively with a knowledge of salvation....

I have scarce anything to pray for;
Jesus smiles up on my soul as a ray of heaven and my supplications are swallowed up in praise....
If Jesus were not my righteousness and redemption, I would sink into nethermost hell by my misdoings, shortcomings, unbelief, unlove; If Jesus were not by the power of his Spirit my sanctification, there is no sin I should not commit.

O when shall I have his mind! When shall I be conformed to His image?

All the good things of life are less than nothing when compared with his love, and with one glimpse of thy electing favor.
All the treasures of a million worlds could not make me richer, happier, more contented, for his unsearchable riches are mine.
One moment of communion with him, one view of his grace is ineffable, inestimable.

~Valley of Vision, "Assurance"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why is it that the most important time to trust is when it's hardest to?

It's easy to trust when everything is sunshine and flowers and happy, but when it's dark and stormy and cold, it's hard to trust, and yet that is when trust is most vital.

Why is it that when I least feel like reading my Bible and praying is the exact moment when I need the most to?

And yet it's the most rewarding. When I bring myself to read my Bible and pray, and humble myself before God, then is when He speaks to me more than ever, because when I draw near to Him (even if I resist at first), then He draws near to me in return. And oh, what an utterly blessed thing it is to have one's dear Savior draw near to them!!

Life is hard. Full of thorns and trials and tempests and confusion and disbeliefs and temptations.

But that's okay, because Jesus is loving, gracious, merciful, restful. And He's always there, right in the middle of my storms and trials, and not only is He there, but He's holding me, and carrying me, and holding my hand to lead me through it.

When I feel like kicking and struggling and resisting the most, that's the time for me to be still. To be patient, to relax, to trust. No matter how hard it is.

I have to trust that the God of the universe, who created all things and is in all things, is on my side, that He never breaks a promise, and that He loves me with an everlasting love.

You know, maybe life isn't so bad after all.

For if God is for us, then who can be against us?

Crazy life

I'm finally done with my spring semester!! One more year of college down, one to go. I got all my grades back too...three A's and one B+! Not bad! All those late nights studying and frantic rushes to get stuff done before the deadlines paid off, I suppose. ;)

And my brother just graduated college! Whoa. Talk about crazy. It feels like just last week we were all playing Playmobils downstairs after homeschool lessons upstairs, and it seems like just yesterday we were dropping him off at college. And now he's graduated. Can't believe how old he is!! ;)

Now, I have time to myself, and I don't even know what to do with it! :P I was doing good for a while today...slept in (finally!), took my little brother to the library, applied at some nearby preschools, and watched some TV....but now I'm bored and don't know what to do with myself! ;) I have no homework, no school, and I don't even have to work until Friday. I should get stuff done probably, but this rainy weather is making me lazy! And it's supposed to rain allll week long.

I am babysitting tomorrow morning though! Last time for the semester, maybe last time forever. *sniffles* Gonna miss babysitting my little kiddos. I've certainly enjoyed babysitting them!! ♥

Sunday, April 10, 2011

One year.

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my Grandpa passing away. Tomorrow marks one whole year since I got to see his face, hear his laugh, feel his hug. And one whole year since I knew I'd never get to experience any of those things again in this life. I can't believe it's been a whole year already. In some ways, it seems soooo long, it seems like I've been missing him forever. And in some, it seems like it was just yesterday.

We spent the day today at my Grandma's house with my dad's family, to celebrate my Grandpa's life and just be there for each other.

The day was bittersweet - full of all the things my Grandpa loved - uncles and cousins reenacted some of my Grandpa's favorite "magic" tricks (classics such as the disappearing-leg trick, the pulling your thumb off trick, throwing your finger, etc), story telling, pretzel-eating, Jack and the Twoderful Beans read by my uncle, singing favorites such as "I'm My Own Grandpa", "Fio, Fio, Fiola", "And the smoke goes up the chimney just the same", and "Take me out to the ballgame"; listening to Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First", Mexican sundaes, but mostly it was about family, and sharing memories, pictures, hugs, and of course laughs.

I was thinking on the drive home - my Grandpa was one of the most full-of-life people I knew, and to have him gone is just such a big impact. It just seems wrong that someone so full of life should be robbed of life. But, I know he wasn't robbed of life. He had 73 years, and he made the most of them. He touched the life of everyone he met in some way or another, and brought life and laughter and love to so many people, and all I can say is that I am so honored to be his granddaughter, and he'll live on forever in my heart, though I'll miss him so much in the years and days to come.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

She was a princess worth waiting for

I want to be a princess worth waiting for. I have no idea if God is going to give me my very own prince charming or not, but if he does, I want to be worthy of him. I want to be every bit as much his "princess darling" as he will be my "prince charming." I want to be a princess that was worth waiting for!

(ps, I love Tangled!!) :P

Monday, March 28, 2011

How I long for the day when people look at my life and say. "Oh, you must be a daughter of the Heavenly Father, I recognize His face anywhere!"

~Katherine Walden

Monday, March 7, 2011

He is here

In the darkness of the morning, in the business of work, in the routines of the day, in the working on homework, in the driving to school, in all the ups and downs of my day, there is one thing I am certain of- He is love. He is grace, He is strength, He is courage, He is mercy, He is comfort, He is a helping hand, He is leading, He is amazing...and He is here. In every part of my day, in every breath and beat of my heart, my Jesus is here. He is mine. ♥

And this alone is how I can make it through another day of school, another day of work, another day with not enough sleep, another deadline looming overhead, another day of chaos. Because He is here, and He is mine, and nothing else can ever compare to His love.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A few of my favorites things right now that are brightening up my dreary, blah night:

~"Can't Take My Eyes Off You" - Lady Antebellum. I have it on repeat right now. What can I say, it's soothing, and I love it. ;)

~Chatting with Amy. ♥ Always brightens my day!

~Promises from my Jesus. ♥

~Chocolate milk. (it's the simple things)

~a pen with really nice blue ink. (it's the really simple things sometimes) ;)

~a picture on my phone of one of the sweetest little boys ever that I babysit for. He's sooooo adorable. :)

Eph 2:4-7

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the day that the LORD has made

So, everybody knows the verse, "This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Right? You could probably even sing it. ;)

Lately, I've been thinking. When people have a really bad day, where things just aren't going right, they can typically be heard to exclaim or say something like, "man, this is just so not MY day!!" I was thinking that once, and then I had to stop and ponder for a moment.

I couldn't think of any instances in the Bible where God promises that we get "our day", or a day that will have everything go good for us. On the contrary, He tells us that this is the day He has made, it's HIS day. And we will rejoice and be glad in it. I kind of have a feeling that the "we will rejoice" is not necessarily so much a feeling or an emotion (though it definitely could be) as a conscious choice here. We have a choice to rejoice and be glad, or to complain and be miserable. Some days, it's certainly easier to be happy and rejoice than others, but I'm pretty sure God created every single day. (strike that, I'm POSITIVE He did.) So, every day, miserable or not, is "the day that the Lord has made", therefore, we should "rejoice and be glad in it."

So, rather than complain that it's not OUR day, why don't we thank God for blessing us with another of His days.

I know I will still complain some times (okay, MANY times), but, this was just something I was pondering over, and felt like sharing.

(and not that I think when people say that this is "so not my day" that it's a bad thing, or irreverent in any way or anything. I say it all the time, it just made me think is all.) :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lead me to the Cross

Savior I come
Quiet my soul remember
Redemptions hill
Where Your blood was spilled
For my ransom
Everything I once held dear
I count it all as lost

Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross

You were as I
Tempted and trialed
You are
Te word became flesh
Bore my sin and death
Now you're risen

To your heart
To your heart
Lead me to your heart
Lead me to your heart

Friday, February 4, 2011

My day in a glimpse

~Eating homemade chocolate chip cookies.

~Reading a book, just for fun.

~Visiting the library (and running into my mom there. hehe)

~Going to the dentist, for the first time on my lonesome. If I've never said that I love having a GPS before, well, I'm going to say it now. I love having a GPS. :P

~Enjoying my little brother - he was showing off his clothes he's made for his Webkinz. He's so cute! (But don't tell him I said that) ;)

~Sleeping in!! Later than I wanted to *ahem*, but it just felt so nice.

~Not having to work! :)

And that about sums up my, it's time for pajamas, devotions, and some sleep!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The remarkable thing we have is a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.”
~Charles Swindoll

Friendship ♥

A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails. ~Donna Roberts

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. ~Author Unknown

The language of friendship is not words but meanings. ~Henry David Thoreau

The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away. ~Barbara Kingsolver

Life is nothing without friendship. ~Cicero

How rare and wonderful is that flash of a moment when we realize we have discovered a friend. ~William Rotsler

I love little kids. I think they're one of God's greatest creations. (although, I do say that about a lot of things....since God's a pretty awesome Creator). I love the way they think, the way they process, the things they say, the way they're not afraid to try new things. I love the way they hug, wrapping their little arms around you, and smiling like you hung the stars. I love their smile, the way their whole little baby face lights up when they're happy. I love their tender little hearts, and their simple faith, and how they trust people. I love how life is just so fun to them, and they're constantly learning and exploring, and enjoying every minute of it. Everything's an adventure to them, anytime a grownup or a big kid shows interest in them, it can mean the world to them.

I'm really blessed for all the opportunities that I have to spend time with little kids. ♥ Babysitting them, helping out in the nursery, loving on them, playing with them, it all just brings such joy to my heart. I can't wait to start teaching Sunday School (well, assistant teaching) and Explorers (which is kind of like a Children's Church sort of thing our church does). And someday, soon hopefully, I want a job where everyday, I wake up happy to go to work, and I get to work with little kids all day. Not that they're not frustrating, stubborn, hard to deal with sometimes, since they definitely are. Not that working with little kids isn't challenging in many ways, since it is. But it's also sooo worth it!

And one day, I really, really want my own children, and lots of them!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tidbits of my day

I feel like posting, but since I don't have anything rather witty or interesting to say, I shall merely post tidbits of my day.

So, my day consisted of:

~working this morning, 6 - 2. Only me and Hanna were scheduled til noon, and we were SO crazy busy from about 9:00-11. It was sooo crazy. But we survived! ;) And thankfully it slowed down after noon, and we had some help come in, so we were able to do prep work and wash dishes and eat something and catch up from our crazy morning.

~a quick nap, of sorts. It wasn't officially a nap, since I was on the living room floor, and I kept waking up, due to all the activity of my family, such as throwing laundry that they were supposed to be folding onto my face. :P

~playing "Family Feud" on facebook with my siblings. It's kind of our addiction. ;)

~making chocolate chip cookies with my brother. They didn't come out quite normal, since we ran out of regular flour 1 cup into it, so we used a whole wheat flour for the other cup. And we used two different kinds of brown sugar, one of which was a granulated brown sugar. It was kind of weird looking, but thankfully they ended up turning out really good!

~reading a book for a while! it's so nice to just sit and read by the fire.

~and now, I'm sitting in the living room, typing this blog post, and listening to my siblings playing Monopoly (they invited me to play, but I opted's not my favorite game. ;)) and my parents watching some funny skits from "The Carol Burnett Show" on a laptop. It's kind of a nice, cozy feeling. :)

Tomorrow, we're supposed to have some rather bad weather, what with snow and sleet and ice, so I'm kind of hoping for a snow day, not only since I want to prolong school for as long as possible (ha), but also since I hate driving in bad weather. But, my dad did offer to drive me in, if class isn't canceled, which was really sweet. ♥ We shall see in the morning I suppose! But for now, it's time for some much needed devotional time, and then some sweet sleep.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

When I feel worthless, He reminds me that He created me for His purpose.

When I feel unattractive and unlovely, He tells me I'm beautiful, and created in His image.

When I feel weak, He holds my hand and makes me strong.

When I feel like crying, He wipes away my tears.

When I am depressed, He lifts me up.

When I am going through life's storms, He carries me.

When I feel like I'm not good enough, He reminds me that He loved me while I was yet a sinner.

When I feel like no one cares, He reminds me that He died for me.

When I feel awkward and out of place, He reminds me that my place is with Him, and He is even now preparing it for me.

When I feel all alone, He tells me that I am His, and He is mine.

When my heart hurts, He fills it with His love.

Quite simply, my Jesus is amazing beyond all words. ♥